Unexpected Fluids … And all things PodCasts!

Something I have begun starting to love is Pod Casts. They are this weird phenomenon in which they have been around for ages, like since before the iPhone ages (I know, centuries ago!) but they haven’t really found their growth point until now. They surged and then they sort of died and people went to streaming TV and YouTube, then i feel they are making a comeback.

Now the title of this post is a reference to my favourite podcast right now which is called Unexpected Fluids.

It is a show with the aim of sharing peoples unfortunate sexual stories, where sex and all things around that subject, go a little wrong. Now i found the name when it first came out and the subject matter to be quite shocking to say the least. I like to think I’m this innocent business head that gets outraged at the term sex being used in such a public way, but I’m not at all and that part of me got very excited when I heard this podcast coming soon. The fact it has some of my favourite LGBT you tubers Riyadh Khalaf in it already hooked me but the line up of what was to be spoken about really gripped me.

Something I feel doesn’t exist today is an open panel discussion about the things that go wrong. Sex education in schools just brushes over the stereotypical heterosexual lets have a baby style sex, and doesn’t really drill down into any of the other scenarios that can arouse around the world of sex (Pun not intended…or was it). Also, being gay really didn’t help things, everything I know has been learnt from either reading, experience or hearsay. Although the show isn’t LGBT specific they speak about it and that’s all that matters. The fact its included is amazing, and I feel is the true expression of equality, because I don’t think a straight and a gay version of this podcast would work as well as when they are both working together and it just clicks.

It’s also very fun, It feels just like a conversation we have in Uni. A casual conversation that people don’t like to admit they have to other but we all talk about these things in our social groups at some point, and its nice to listen too. It’s like your part of the conversation.

I haven’t even got to the main dish which is that they read personal stories sent in by listeners, anon and open. They also put in their own stories which make things even funnier. It just reinforces the feeling that you are in the room with them talking and its such a nice atmosphere that you forget is being created by a podcast alone.

So i do suggest, gay or straight to get listening to this podcast. I Just finished listening to the latest episode (Ep 3) all about pubic hair. It’s a right laugh to listen too and nothing is censored (Its an audio podcast!) so if you don’t like hearing vulgar language and open discussion about genitalia and sexual things then I suggest this may not be the podcast for you!

More to come soon! Sorry for my inactivity, I have not forgotten my blog, life just all of a sudden got really hectic and full of emotion and stuff! Some of that emotion and stuff will probably make it onto the blog sometime soon but I will be back and will be writing about lots more amazing things that come to mind or what I see on my day to day commute!

Ciao for now!


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